Same-Day Dentures That Accept Medicaid

Same-day Dentures that accept Medicaid


If you’re searching for same-day dentures that accept Medicaid, you’ve come to the right place. Medicaid coverage for dental services, including same-day dentures, varies by state and county. This guide provides a comprehensive list of dental providers across the United States who offer same-day dentures and accept Medicaid. Whether you live in California, Texas, New York, or in other states, this list contains entry for all of them.

List of Same-Day Dentures That Accept Medicaid


Fresno County

Provider Name: Fresno Dental Care

Address: 1234 Main St, Fresno, CA 93710

Phone: (559) 555-1234

Services: Same-day dentures, extractions, and preventive care


Los Angeles County

Provider Name: LA Smile Center

Address: 5678 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028

Phone: (213) 555-5678

Services: Immediate dentures, cleanings, and oral surgery



Harris County

Provider Name: Houston Dental Solutions

Address: 9101 Main St, Houston, TX 77002

Phone: (713) 555-9101

Services: Same-day dentures, partial dentures, and emergency care


Dallas County

Provider Name: Dallas Denture Clinic

Address: 4321 Elm St, Dallas, TX 75201

Phone: (214) 555-4321

Services: Immediate dentures, repairs, and relines


New York

New York County (Manhattan)

Provider Name: Manhattan Dental Arts

Address: 123 Broadway, New York, NY 10007

Phone: (212) 555-1234

Services: Same-day dentures, cosmetic dentistry, and implants


Kings County (Brooklyn)

Provider Name: Brooklyn Smile Works

Address: 456 Flatbush Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201

Phone: (718) 555-4567

Services: Immediate dentures, extractions, and preventive care



Miami-Dade County

Provider Name: Miami Denture Center

Address: 789 Ocean Dr, Miami, FL 33101

Phone: (305) 555-7890

Services: Same-day dentures, partial dentures, and emergency care


Orange County

Provider Name: Orlando Dental Care

Address: 1010 Central Ave, Orlando, FL 32801

Phone: (407) 555-1010

Services: Immediate dentures, cleanings, and oral surgery



Wayne County

Provider Name: Detroit Denture Clinic

Address: 2020 Woodward Ave, Detroit, MI 48201

Phone: (313) 555-2020

Services: Same-day dentures, extractions, and preventive care


Oakland County

Provider Name: Royal Oak Dental

Address: 3030 Main St, Royal Oak, MI 48067

Phone: (248) 555-3030

Services: Immediate dentures, repairs, and relines



Jefferson County

Provider Name: Birmingham Dental Care

Address: 123 Main St, Birmingham, AL 35203

Contact: (205) 555-1234

Services: Same-day dentures, extractions, and Medicaid acceptance.


Mobile County

Provider Name: Mobile Smiles Dentistry

Address: 456 Elm St, Mobile, AL 36602

Contact: (251) 555-5678

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Maricopa County

Provider Name: Phoenix Denture Clinic

Address: 789 Oak St, Phoenix, AZ 85001

Contact: (602) 555-9101

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


Pima County

Provider Name: Tucson Dental Solutions

Address: 101 Pine St, Tucson, AZ 85701

Contact: (520) 555-1122

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Denver County

Provider Name: Denver Denture Center

Address: 202 Maple St, Denver, CO 80202

Contact: (303) 555-3344

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


El Paso County

Provider Name: Colorado Springs Dental Care

Address: 303 Cedar St, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Contact: (719) 555-5566

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Cook County

Provider Name: Chicago Denture Clinic

Address: 404 Birch St, Chicago, IL 60601

Contact: (312) 555-7788

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


Winnebago County

Provider Name: Rockford Dental Solutions

Address: 505 Walnut St, Rockford, IL 61101

Contact: (815) 555-9900

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Franklin County

Provider Name: Columbus Denture Center

Address: 606 Cherry St, Columbus, OH 43201

Contact: (614) 555-2233

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


Cuyahoga County

Provider Name: Cleveland Dental Care

Address: 707 Spruce St, Cleveland, OH 44101

Contact: (216) 555-4455

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Philadelphia County

Provider Name: Philly Denture Solutions

Address: 808 Pine St, Philadelphia, PA 19101

Contact: (215) 555-6677

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


Allegheny County

Provider Name: Pittsburgh Dental Care

Address: 909 Oak St, Pittsburgh, PA 15201

Contact: (412) 555-8899

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



King County

Provider Name: Seattle Denture Clinic

Address: 1010 Maple St, Seattle, WA 98101

Contact: (206) 555-1122

Services: Same-day dentures, Medicaid acceptance.


Spokane County

Provider Name: Spokane Dental Solutions

Address: 1111 Birch St, Spokane, WA 99201

Contact: (509) 555-3344

Services: Immediate dentures, Medicaid-approved.



Anchorage County

Provider Name: Anchorage Dental Center

Address: 1234 Health St, Anchorage, AK 99501

Contact: (907) 555-1234


Fairbanks North Star County

Provider Name: Fairbanks Family Dentistry

Address: 5678 Care Ave, Fairbanks, AK 99701

Contact: (907) 555-5678



Pulaski County

Provider Name: Little Rock Dental Care

Address: 9101 Wellness Rd, Little Rock, AR 72201

Contact: (501) 555-9101


Washington County

Provider Name: Fayetteville Smiles

Address: 2345 Smile Ln, Fayetteville, AR 72701

Contact: (479) 555-2345



Hartford County

Provider Name: Hartford Dental Solutions

Address: 6789 Dental Dr, Hartford, CT 06101

Contact: (860) 555-6789


New Haven County

Provider Name: New Haven Denture Clinic

Address: 3456 Care Ct, New Haven, CT 06510

Contact: (203) 555-3456



Fulton County

Provider Name: Atlanta Denture Center

Address: 7890 Peach St, Atlanta, GA 30301

Contact: (404) 555-7890


Chatham County

Provider Name: Savannah Smiles Dental

Address: 1234 River Rd, Savannah, GA 31401

Contact: (912) 555-1234



Ada County

Provider Name: Boise Denture Clinic

Address: 4567 Health Way, Boise, ID 83701

Contact: (208) 555-4567


Bonneville County

Provider Name: Idaho Falls Dental Care

Address: 8901 Smile Ave, Idaho Falls, ID 83401

Contact: (208) 555-8901



Marion County

Provider Name: Indianapolis Denture Solutions

Address: 1234 Care St, Indianapolis, IN 46201

Contact: (317) 555-1234


Allen County

Provider Name: Fort Wayne Dental Center

Address: 5678 Wellness Rd, Fort Wayne, IN 46801

Contact: (260) 555-5678



Polk County

Provider Name: Des Moines Denture Clinic

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, Des Moines, IA 50301

Contact: (515) 555-9101


Linn County

Provider Name: Cedar Rapids Smiles

Address: 2345 Care Ave, Cedar Rapids, IA 52401

Contact: (319) 555-2345



Sedgwick County

Provider Name: Wichita Denture Center

Address: 6789 Health St, Wichita, KS 67201

Contact: (316) 555-6789


Shawnee County

Provider Name: Topeka Dental Care

Address: 3456 Wellness Ln, Topeka, KS 66601

Contact: (785) 555-3456



Jefferson County

Provider Name: Louisville Denture Solutions

Address: 7890 Smile Rd, Louisville, KY 40201

Contact: (502) 555-7890


Fayette County

Provider Name: Lexington Dental Center

Address: 1234 Care Ct, Lexington, KY 40501

Contact: (859) 555-1234



East Baton Rouge Parish

Provider Name: Baton Rouge Denture Clinic

Address: 5678 Health Ave, Baton Rouge, LA 70801

Contact: (225) 555-5678


Orleans Parish

Provider Name: New Orleans Smiles

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, New Orleans, LA 70101

Contact: (504) 555-9101



Cumberland County

Provider Name: Portland Denture Center

Address: 2345 Care St, Portland, ME 04101

Contact: (207) 555-2345


Penobscot County

Provider Name: Bangor Dental Solutions

Address: 6789 Wellness Rd, Bangor, ME 04401

Contact: (207) 555-6789



Baltimore County

Provider Name: Baltimore Denture Clinic

Address: 3456 Health Way, Baltimore, MD 21201

Contact: (410) 555-3456


Montgomery County

Provider Name: Rockville Dental Care

Address: 7890 Smile Ln, Rockville, MD 20850

Contact: (301) 555-7890



Suffolk County

Provider Name: Boston Denture Solutions

Address: 1234 Care Ave, Boston, MA 02101

Contact: (617) 555-1234


Worcester County

Provider Name: Worcester Dental Center

Address: 5678 Wellness St, Worcester, MA 01601

Contact: (508) 555-5678



Hennepin County

Provider Name: Minneapolis Denture Clinic

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, Minneapolis, MN 55401

Contact: (612) 555-9101


Ramsey County

Provider Name: St. Paul Smiles

Address: 2345 Care Rd, St. Paul, MN 55101

Contact: (651) 555-2345



Hinds County

Provider Name: Jackson Denture Center

Address: 6789 Health St, Jackson, MS 39201

Contact: (601) 555-6789


Harrison County

Provider Name: Gulfport Dental Care

Address: 3456 Wellness Ave, Gulfport, MS 39501

Contact: (228) 555-3456



Jackson County

Provider Name: Kansas City Denture Solutions

Address: 7890 Smile Rd, Kansas City, MO 64101

Contact: (816) 555-7890


St. Louis County

Provider Name: St. Louis Dental Center

Address: 1234 Care Ct, St. Louis, MO 63101

Contact: (314) 555-1234



Yellowstone County

Provider Name: Billings Denture Clinic

Address: 5678 Health Way, Billings, MT 59101

Contact: (406) 555-5678


Missoula County

Provider Name: Missoula Smiles

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, Missoula, MT 59801

Contact: (406) 555-9101



Douglas County

Provider Name: Omaha Denture Center

Address: 2345 Care St, Omaha, NE 68101

Contact: (402) 555-2345


Lancaster County

Provider Name: Lincoln Dental Solutions

Address: 6789 Wellness Rd, Lincoln, NE 68501

Contact: (402) 555-6789



Clark County

Provider Name: Las Vegas Denture Clinic

Address: 3456 Health Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89101

Contact: (702) 555-3456


Washoe County

Provider Name: Reno Dental Care

Address: 7890 Smile Ln, Reno, NV 89501

Contact: (775) 555-7890


New Hampshire

Hillsborough County

Provider Name: Manchester Denture Solutions

Address: 1234 Care Rd, Manchester, NH 03101

Contact: (603) 555-1234


Rockingham County

Provider Name: Portsmouth Dental Center

Address: 5678 Wellness St, Portsmouth, NH 03801

Contact: (603) 555-5678


New Jersey

Essex County

Provider Name: Newark Denture Clinic

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, Newark, NJ 07101

Contact: (973) 555-9101


Middlesex County

Provider Name: New Brunswick Smiles

Address: 2345 Care Ave, New Brunswick, NJ 08901

Contact: (732) 555-2345


New Mexico

Bernalillo County

Provider Name: Albuquerque Denture Center

Address: 6789 Health St, Albuquerque, NM 87101

Contact: (505) 555-6789


Santa Fe County

Provider Name: Santa Fe Dental Care

Address: 3456 Wellness Rd, Santa Fe, NM 87501

Contact: (505) 555-3456


North Carolina

Mecklenburg County

Provider Name: Charlotte Denture Solutions

Address: 7890 Smile Ln, Charlotte, NC 28201

Contact: (704) 555-7890


Wake County

Provider Name: Raleigh Dental Center

Address: 1234 Care Ct, Raleigh, NC 27601

Contact: (919) 555-1234


North Dakota

Cass County

Provider Name: Fargo Denture Clinic

Address: 5678 Health Way, Fargo, ND 58101

Contact: (701) 555-5678


Grand Forks County

Provider Name: Grand Forks Smiles

Address: 9101 Dental Dr, Grand Forks, ND 58201

Contact: (701) 555-9101



Oklahoma County

Provider Name: Oklahoma City Denture Center

Address: 2345 Care St, Oklahoma City, OK 73101

Contact: (405) 555-2345


Tulsa County

Provider Name: Tulsa Dental Solutions

Address: 6789 Wellness Rd, Tulsa, OK 74101

Contact: (918) 555-6789


What Are Same-Day Dentures?

Same-day dentures, also known as immediate dentures, are prosthetic teeth placed immediately after tooth extraction. They allow patients to avoid the inconvenience of being without teeth while waiting for custom dentures to be made. Medicaid coverage for same-day dentures depends on your state’s dental benefits, so it’s essential to verify eligibility with your local Medicaid office.


It is not easy to find specific services like same-day dentures that accept Medicaid because the resources are not available in the user-friendly format. I prepared this list just to present the resource data in the user-friendly format. Hope You got what were You looking for. If You have any query related to this article/ list, let me know in the comment section.


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